Drug Policy

Over the counter products

Biosense clinic can only process over the counter products without a prescription.

Narcotic or controlled products

Biosense clinic will not handle any habit forming, narcotics, or controlled medications.

Prescription products

For items indicated as prescription status, a valid prescription from a physician licensed to practice medicine and prescribe medications in the place where you live must be faxed or sent to us before we can process your prescription orders. Orders cannot exceed a maximum of 3 month supply at one time. Generic medication can be substituted for a brand medication upon request and where available, unless specifically indicated by your physician not to.

Information needed for processing prescription orders

The following information must be present on the prescription or provided to us via telephone or fax communication before we can fulfill your prescription orders: name of the patient, date of birth, address, telephone number, and allergy status.

To ensure safety and pharmaceutical care, Biosense clinic may contact you to obtain more medical related information regarding your health and/or your concurrent medications.